Hey there!

Before continuing on reading with this blog, please be mindful of some swearing, and possible explicit themes! These ARE the dreams of a college student, after all!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Dream of Haunted Adventures and Other Stuff

No spoilers. The games Black/White 2 have yet to be released in the States, and I have already reached the amount of spoilers I usually give myself. 

Alright, let's get this dream started.

It started out as a video game and eventually turned into a full length movie, and I was at the Poison type gym in Black/White 2. The gym leader was a white haired rocker, named Homika (Roxie in the American versions). And I went up against her to earn the badge (I don't know the name, so bear with me), when I realize something... odd about the gym.

This person. 
Usually the trainers fight you, right? Well, they didn't want to fight me. "Continue on, trainer." they all told me, so I reached Homika/Roxie with relative ease. I go up, ready to battle, when she says, "Wait, you're on an adventure right? You can see us?" I was slightly confused.

"Of course I can see you." I replied. She then smiled, and looked like she was ready to burst into tears.

"It's been 10 years since someone's last visited us -- we're so lonely!" she cried, reaching out to hug me... only to go right through me.

"You're a ghost?" I asked, and she nodded, "You all are?" another nod.

"And you're the only one who can help us!" she claims, "We need to get across the bridge behind this gym -- there are others like us there. We all need your help!"

... Okay...?

So I'm helping them go outside, when I realise something... odd. Homika/Roxie and all the gym trainers all turn into floating, grotesque trees!

Like this, only purple/blue with freaky arms and they floated. And smiled like Jack-O-Lanterns. It was fucked up.
So after that... interesting transformation, they followed me to the back area where the bridges are, and I step on it...

... for it to explode and Bowser to appear out of NOWHERE and I somehow ended up having an epic duel with him. After the duel (I won, surprise surprise), the gym trainers floated... as haunted looking trees... to the other side, however Homika stayed with me, saying that "You need a partner if you're gonna keep this up!"

So I gave up the dream of being a Pokemon trainer and instead became a ghost helper (?) and Homika was my partner, along with a friend that I picked up along the way; let's just name her Sierra and be done with it. We "borrowed" a semi truck and drove around, helping spirits cross over to the other world, when we got so tired of it; but this one spirit was the last. She just wanted to find her killer and get revenge, and THEN cross over.

So, then for some reason, the Vocaloid Boy Quartet popped up

These sexy beasts
only, Kiyoteru (the one with the glasses) was replaced with Akaito (an altered version of Kaito, the blue-haired) and they all spoke in song, "Where are you?" vocalized. It was quite interesting, and Akaito was framed as the killer (jealous rage, because she chose someone else over him) and we then heard a commotion. Apparently a huge corporation was after us because of what we had been doing ("borrowing" their semi, ruining their businesses) and decided to teach us a lesson. We however, escaped, but got in a car wreck.

I woke up at this point, and fell back asleep. Are you guys lost? Cos I am. XD;;

I don't remember much after that, but I do recall that Grell Sutcliff 

This guy

Was my brother, and he was a constant companion with us, and all that time we were apparently siblings, but didn't know it. WTF? XD That, and the words "Cherish" popped up a lot, but that wasn't my name or anything. I don't know why that word kept coming up in the dream... does anyone know?

And this is all I really remember. Sorry guys. ^^;

Rawr, I'mma wolfie!

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