Hey there!

Before continuing on reading with this blog, please be mindful of some swearing, and possible explicit themes! These ARE the dreams of a college student, after all!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This Dream Came from a Nap, Randomly.

Yeah, this dream I've actually had written down for a while, but I wanted to see if I could make any sense of it, and unfortunately I don't, so yeah.

Now, it's kinda set in the Kuroshitsuji universe, but mainly set on a viewer unknown to the people.



So here's the dream, and I wrote it kinda like a story, so I'm not sure if there will be any weird faces or comments like I usually put. Sorry. XD

"Who are you?" a blonde boy asked, his eyes wide. The young woman (a Lady visiting the Young Master, perhaps? he questioned himself, noting her style of dress), merely turned around and gave him a soft smile.

"Who am I indeed," she mused. She held out a closed hand, and opened it to let free a golden butterfly. Amazed, the boy watched as it flew towards the rose bushes he had just finished working on, and as it flew off, it slowly dissolved into a shower of golden sparks. The young lady brought his attention back to her, and he blushed, he had been impolite, however she had the soft smile, so he felt forgiven. "It matters not what you call me -- I have many titles, many names."

"How'd you do that," he questioned, "with the butterfly?" The mysterious lady landed her gaze to the roses, still smiling.

"I created an illusion, that is my specialty." She then brought her gaze back to him, her head tilted slightly. "What is your name? I have never met you before."

The blonde panicked, and saluted hastily, "Name's Finni! I'm the gardener here!" she  laughed at his antics. He then hesitantly asked, "Can I know your name?"

The young lady smiled, "You may call me Elise."

... Yeah, I don't get the dream either. I had it on the 8th of September, but I've been busy and eventually forgot to record it down until recently. I had another one that was kind of similar to this, only different. However, that'll be for another day. :)

Here, have a diabetes worthy cat. :3

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