Hey there!

Before continuing on reading with this blog, please be mindful of some swearing, and possible explicit themes! These ARE the dreams of a college student, after all!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Apparently Alucard is now My Servant.

Main Wiki:

Hellsing Wiki


Walter C. Dornez

Yeah, the dream was weird. But the thing is, I woke up about six this morning, lying on my back (I have a little known condition called sleep apnea) and kinda rolled over to fall back asleep.

Maybe I should have stayed awake.... xD

Okay, so what happened was that this guy

This bad ass. 

Showed up on my campus, lurking in front of the school building. However, no one saw him, or even bothered to ask why he had a gun on campus. Now, I don't know about other college campuses, but I'm pretty sure the law states that you aren't allowed to have those on campus.

Well, either way, he spotted me, and pulled me to the side. "Are you my new master?" he asked, and I gave him the weirdest look I could muster, but when one sees a gun, they tend to flip out inside.

"Uh, no." I told him. I'm pretty sure that I would have known if I was anyone's "master," let alone his. I recognized him, very vaguely. "You sure you got the wrong campus?" I asked.

He grinned. "You smell like her. It's weak, but it's there. The blood of a Hellsing."

So... I randomly became the next Hellsing manager. Unfortunately I didn't get a snazzy butler named Walter. Would've been cool, to have Walter around. 

This snazzy dude. 

So, instead I get a half-crazed, trigger happy vampire as my bodyguard/butler/servant. -sigh- Swell.

We ended up having a really low profile in the states because

A) I was in school
B) Killing vampires isn't as easy as it was back then, people notice these things now
C) Technically, you couldn't just come out with "Yeah I'm from a family of vampire hunters" because then you've pretty much dug your own grave.

So Alucard couldn't be as crazy as he was back then, and instead, he became my butler... in a sense. He woke up me for class and made sure I was taken care of... in his own way.

We eventually got a major case: There were sightings of vampires at anime conventions. So Alucard had to pull me out of school (magically, somehow) and I had to keep up with my course work while hunting down clues. Eventually we found out that they (the vampires) were mainly centered around A-Fest and A-Kon (both in Dallas, Tx) so we bought tickets and began plotting. Being an anime convention, we were able to move about a little more freely than one could think, but since there were also many, many cosplayers, we had to figure out a way to distinguished one another from the cosplayers (which we figured out by a specific item, but I don't recall what it was).

Then, randomly there was a questionnaire night, and he questioned why I had written down some answers that were unfitting of a Hellsing. I then told him that "Times have changed. We have to be careful how we handle the vampire killings both in London and America." Alucard seemed annoyed, but he grudgingly accepted my answer. I think he wasn't expecting me to be... different from my predecessors.

Suddenly, we were attacked, Alucard went crazy, but got me out of there by picking me up bridal style (I had no idea what was going on, to be perfectly honest).

... I think it was the Nazis.


Love me? :<

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