Hey there!

Before continuing on reading with this blog, please be mindful of some swearing, and possible explicit themes! These ARE the dreams of a college student, after all!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nightmare - Demonic Haunting?

It started out in a building.

I was alone, in a dark room, but it was spacious -- kinda like a warehouse. All of a sudden, a deep, scratchy voice called out my name (very clearly) and then said, "Let me tell you of all the tragedies there are in this world."

So every time he mentioned a tragedy, something lit up in flames -- and towards the end, he said, "And YOU have the worst tragedy of them all." but he said my name clearly once again.

That dream/nightmare frightened me so badly, I woke up with a start. I don't know what the time was, but I could guess maybe 3:00/3:30 A.M.

Sorry its so short, but this has seriously shaken me. I went to a website (yay for googling such things!) and found a link that could possibly help. I'm not going to submit an information form just yet; I don't want a one-time nightmare scare me that much.

Another theory is that I could possibly be developing schizophrenia. Although, with my current state of mind and real life situations, it wouldn't surprise me.

Sorry for the short post, but I just wanted to get it out there.


Pikachu, will you make the nightmares go away? :<

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bonus: "Trancy's Witch" - Kuroshitsuji 2

Since I haven't had any interesting dreams recently, I decided to be nice and upload the next part to "Trancy's Witch" (if anyone has been following it).

Hope you like it~!


Trancy’s Witch:

Chapter One: The Deal

“So you wish to make a contract with me, of all witches; why, Trancy?” I asked calmly, sitting in the carriage. This Trancy brat was annoying, I could tell. However, if someone wanted to make a contract, I wasn’t going to say no, after all. A witch has to eat, after all.

“Claude told me you’re the best at what you do. I am in need of such services.” He said simply, eyeing me. “Not only that, but you won’t be required to be a servant. You’ll be a guest – what is your rank, Witch?” I gave him a smirk, and snapped my fingers. He instantaneously grabbed his head, his eyes wide and screaming, writhing in his seat. “Claude, make it stop – make it stop!”  

“First off, you little brat,” I hissed, “You will refer to me as the Illusionist. I am above such petty rankings you humans have – I’ve lived longer than your pathetic human life, and demand the utmost respect you have. If not, I can easily make your life a living hell.” A hand grabbed my wrist and twisted it, I smirked, and this demon thought he could break me?

“Remove the illusion, now witch.” His eyes were glowing – oh my, did I anger him? I merely smirked, and flicked my fingers once more. The demon released my wrist, and the brat began looking around, calming down slowly and clinging to the demon. “Don’t raise a hand against my master again.” He warned, and I grinned.

“Did I strike a nerve, demon?” I asked, and he merely glowered. The brat, however, seemed impressed.

“If you can do that, then no one can beat me! What do you say, Illusionist?” he asked, and I smirked at his usage at my title. “Will you form a contract?”

“Why should I?” I asked with a shrug, pulling up the piece of paper that legalized the contract. “I don’t have time for petty revenge. Make your case carefully, Trancy, for I just might refuse to make it.” He narrowed those blue eyes at me.  

“Simply put, I want revenge on Sebastian Michaelis for destroying my village and killing my brother Luka.” I raised an eyebrow. That Phantomhive demon butler was in on this? My, was I certainly behind the times. Last I heard he had a contract and devoured the soul of Maria Theresa from the Hapsburg family – oh what was the empire called… the Holy Roman Empire? I scoffed mentally at the notion – petty mortals and their need to have conquests. Demons are no better, I supposed. I critically eyed the brat.

“Now why would that demon have any notion to destroy your so-called village, Trancy?” I asked, and then grinned, “Of course, you really aren’t Alois Trancy. Your name is Jim Macken, right?” he paled a little, his eyes growing wide.

“H-How did you know that?” I smirked.

“A witch has her secrets,” was all I said, and handed him the contract. “Now, read over this carefully, and be careful when you sign it,” I grinned. “You don’t want to end up giving your soul to the wrong person now, do you?” Trancy frowned.

“My soul will go to Claude, right?” I shook my head.

“Not exactly; because now that you wish to have a contract with me, you will be forced to be subjected to your soul going through the painful process of being split in half. However,” I raised a hand before he began to object, “I’m not like any witch, who only eats souls to satisfy her petty self, I require something different.” I grinned, and leaned closer to whisper it in his ear. His eyes widened, and as I pulled back, he stared at me.

“I don’t think I can do that.” He said finally, handing me the contract, unsigned. I shrugged.

“Your loss, my gain,” I gathered my skirts, “Now if you will excuse me, I guess I shall find a place for me to stay tonight. Evening, Earl Trancy.” I stepped out of the carriage, and told the driver (who was quite cute, by the way) to continue on. He nodded mutely. As the carriage rattled away, I walked back to the cliff, and sighed as I saw the sky begin to lighten. Another night wasted, I thought bitterly, walking back towards town. I still haven’t found the right place for him.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This Dream Came from a Nap, Randomly.

Yeah, this dream I've actually had written down for a while, but I wanted to see if I could make any sense of it, and unfortunately I don't, so yeah.

Now, it's kinda set in the Kuroshitsuji universe, but mainly set on a viewer unknown to the people.



So here's the dream, and I wrote it kinda like a story, so I'm not sure if there will be any weird faces or comments like I usually put. Sorry. XD

"Who are you?" a blonde boy asked, his eyes wide. The young woman (a Lady visiting the Young Master, perhaps? he questioned himself, noting her style of dress), merely turned around and gave him a soft smile.

"Who am I indeed," she mused. She held out a closed hand, and opened it to let free a golden butterfly. Amazed, the boy watched as it flew towards the rose bushes he had just finished working on, and as it flew off, it slowly dissolved into a shower of golden sparks. The young lady brought his attention back to her, and he blushed, he had been impolite, however she had the soft smile, so he felt forgiven. "It matters not what you call me -- I have many titles, many names."

"How'd you do that," he questioned, "with the butterfly?" The mysterious lady landed her gaze to the roses, still smiling.

"I created an illusion, that is my specialty." She then brought her gaze back to him, her head tilted slightly. "What is your name? I have never met you before."

The blonde panicked, and saluted hastily, "Name's Finni! I'm the gardener here!" she  laughed at his antics. He then hesitantly asked, "Can I know your name?"

The young lady smiled, "You may call me Elise."

... Yeah, I don't get the dream either. I had it on the 8th of September, but I've been busy and eventually forgot to record it down until recently. I had another one that was kind of similar to this, only different. However, that'll be for another day. :)

Here, have a diabetes worthy cat. :3

Monday, September 24, 2012

Apparently Alucard is now My Servant.

Main Wiki:

Hellsing Wiki


Walter C. Dornez

Yeah, the dream was weird. But the thing is, I woke up about six this morning, lying on my back (I have a little known condition called sleep apnea) and kinda rolled over to fall back asleep.

Maybe I should have stayed awake.... xD

Okay, so what happened was that this guy

This bad ass. 

Showed up on my campus, lurking in front of the school building. However, no one saw him, or even bothered to ask why he had a gun on campus. Now, I don't know about other college campuses, but I'm pretty sure the law states that you aren't allowed to have those on campus.

Well, either way, he spotted me, and pulled me to the side. "Are you my new master?" he asked, and I gave him the weirdest look I could muster, but when one sees a gun, they tend to flip out inside.

"Uh, no." I told him. I'm pretty sure that I would have known if I was anyone's "master," let alone his. I recognized him, very vaguely. "You sure you got the wrong campus?" I asked.

He grinned. "You smell like her. It's weak, but it's there. The blood of a Hellsing."

So... I randomly became the next Hellsing manager. Unfortunately I didn't get a snazzy butler named Walter. Would've been cool, to have Walter around. 

This snazzy dude. 

So, instead I get a half-crazed, trigger happy vampire as my bodyguard/butler/servant. -sigh- Swell.

We ended up having a really low profile in the states because

A) I was in school
B) Killing vampires isn't as easy as it was back then, people notice these things now
C) Technically, you couldn't just come out with "Yeah I'm from a family of vampire hunters" because then you've pretty much dug your own grave.

So Alucard couldn't be as crazy as he was back then, and instead, he became my butler... in a sense. He woke up me for class and made sure I was taken care of... in his own way.

We eventually got a major case: There were sightings of vampires at anime conventions. So Alucard had to pull me out of school (magically, somehow) and I had to keep up with my course work while hunting down clues. Eventually we found out that they (the vampires) were mainly centered around A-Fest and A-Kon (both in Dallas, Tx) so we bought tickets and began plotting. Being an anime convention, we were able to move about a little more freely than one could think, but since there were also many, many cosplayers, we had to figure out a way to distinguished one another from the cosplayers (which we figured out by a specific item, but I don't recall what it was).

Then, randomly there was a questionnaire night, and he questioned why I had written down some answers that were unfitting of a Hellsing. I then told him that "Times have changed. We have to be careful how we handle the vampire killings both in London and America." Alucard seemed annoyed, but he grudgingly accepted my answer. I think he wasn't expecting me to be... different from my predecessors.

Suddenly, we were attacked, Alucard went crazy, but got me out of there by picking me up bridal style (I had no idea what was going on, to be perfectly honest).

... I think it was the Nazis.


Love me? :<

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bonus: "Trancy's Witch" (Kuroshitsuji)

I wrote this yesterday, and I'm taking a break from writing about my dreams; they haven't really been all that interesting lately to bother writing down. So I may end up continuing this piece, that is if people actually like it. If you do, please leave a comment! I'd like to see someone's opinion other than my own on it. ^^


Trancy's Witch

Prelude: The Meeting

Sitting upon the edge of the cliff, I stared out to the ocean. It was night, so instead of a brilliant blue hue, it was an inky darkness, however, the moon reflected into the sea, glowing brightly. I could hear the waves crash into the rocks below, and the wind was a breeze, cool yet pleasing. I was sitting here, I don’t know why, but I was waiting for someone.

Who? I couldn’t recall.

“So, this is where you’ve been hiding.” I freeze, hearing a voice behind me, however I didn’t turn around. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. “Come with me,” he said. “Come with me, and I’ll make your life worth something.”

“Why?” I asked, still staring out to the sky, the stars were mesmerizing at this time of night.  “Why should I answer the call of a demon?”

“Claude, what’s taking so long? Just grab the girl and let’s go!” a new voice broke into the conversation – whiny and brattish. I hate brats.

“Patience, Your Highness. A witch cannot be forced to go anywhere against her will.” I gave a soft smirk, and pushed a strand of hair back.

“A witch, am I?” I asked. “However did you guess?”

A scoff, “Milady, even a demon can sense the magic that you have surrounding yourself.”

“Because even I don’t want to be found, demon,” I sniffed, annoyed that my night had been ruined.

“Yet it is a beacon to all things.” He was annoyed. Did he think I was going to follow willingly? Fool.

“Perhaps, demon,” I commented, “What is that master of yours to you?”

“He is merely my dinner. He knows the consequences.” I grinned.

“And you’re asking a witch like me, who could easily steal his soul from you, to join forces?”

“Trust me, I would rather kill you now then let you anywhere near him,” the demon sighed, “however My Highness believes you can help him get what he wants.”

“And what does he want?”

“Revenge,” I sighed despondently.

“And that’s it, nothing else? Revenge is so petty; so cliché.”

“And I want Phantomhive’s soul as well.” I blinked, and gave a Cheshire cat grin.

“My, my,” I mused, finally standing and brushing out my skirts, and turning around to see this demon. Melted gold clashed with cold green, and I smirked. “What an interesting pastime this will be, don’t you agree?” 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lord Voldemort is Apparently my Father...

... and Alois Trancy was my betrothed. 

Yeah, I know. 

I'm assuming all of you know who Lord Voldemort (dear ol' "Dad") is, but for those who don't know who Alois Trancy is, click here to read about the creepy kid. 

So, the dream:

I was apparently celebrating my birthday a week early, and Lord Voldemort had called me to his manor (apparently, he was rich too. Like, modern above celebrity status) and had told me, "I have found you a husband to take care of you for when I eventually pass away. You are of age, so you two will marry within the month." Of course, I had nothing to do except to accept the proposal, as Alois walks in. 

Well, more or less, I walk into an adjoining parlour, and he's sitting there drinking tea. he sees me, kinda... eyes me, and says, "You'll do. You'll be fun to break~"

"You don't know who you're messing with," I replied back, but he merely grinned at me. 

"Oh, I don't have to worry about who I'm messing with. I know you, Elise."

(Apparently my name in the dream was Elise. WTF?)

He was like this in the dream. Scared me senseless. 
So after that... lovely conversation, he changed the topic and mentioned how he would have to have me dressed appropriately for the ball that was supposedly held in my honour, and that he had gone ahead and picked something out for me.

Like this, only the green replaced with purple and with white lace instead of black.
I also had a choker with a small bell on it. What the hell?

So we went to the ball, and this... this bitch starts hitting on my fiancee. Normally, I wouldn't have been so bothered by this, but for some reason, she just pissed me the right off. So I pulled out my wand and challenged her to a duel. She agreed, and before she could even lift a finger, I had used the killing curse on her. It had gotten dead silent, and my father (Lord Voldemort) and my mother (Bellatrix, WHTF?!) were clapping and my mother was crowing about how adorable I had been. Alois was giving me a smirk of, "I like this," which gave me the creeps, kinda sorta.

After that, the dream got too graphic -- ie, he dragged me away and just had his fun with me, apparently we were already married at this point -- and I woke up with my heart in my throat, shivering. I had never had a dream like that, and I don't think I want to ever again. 

I still feel his hands on me. Ugh. 

Here, have some ducklings in a cup. 

More duckling pictures can be found here. :3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Dream that Made Me Cry

This is a a sad dream, I literally woke up crying. ;A; The song that is required to listen too, while reading this, is called "Thank You For Being Born" from the Umineko No Naku Koro Ni visual novel series by 07th Expansion. This song was playing in my dream while the events happened. ;A;

And because this dream was rather sad, I will not be adding a picture at the end like I normally do. It would take away from it, in my personal opinion. 

In this dream, I was an invisible tag-along. No one saw me, nor spoke to me. So I was able to get details down pretty well.

There was a young girl (about my height, and possibly age) who had a very special friend (whom she loved, but was afraid of admitting her feelings to him, because she didn't want to be hurt if he kindly rejected her), and he was in the hospital, being treated for something that was fatal. However, the doctors kept repeating and reassuring her that he would survive and beat the odds.

She clung to this hope, very much so, and would visit him every day. Eventually, the weeks turn into months, and she had signed up to go to a convention with him. She had decided to not go, and was going to spend the time with him. However, he was adamant that she went to enjoy herself (they paid the money, might as well go, right?) so she went, (cosplayed as a mix of brown-haired Miku (VOCALOID) and Meiko (VOCALOID)

Hatsune Miku 

and enjoyed herself a lot. Of course, she checked in with her friend, making sure that she spent plenty of time talking to him (somehow the hospital allowed the usage of cellphones) while not in a panel room or wandering around. Well, while she was there she got him his favourite character plushie. I don't recall the character, but she knew that her friend would love it unconditionally. She thought, "I can give this to him on his birthday, or when he gets out of the hospital! What a great idea!"

When she got back, after telling him (he was pretty excited that she was coming back, and told her that he had something to tell her) that she would visit him first thing when she got back, she was pretty amped, with the plushie hidden in her bag. When she arrived at the hospital, she realized something was... off. There was something different about the place, but she couldn't put her finger on it. The doctors saw her, and instantly went silent.

"What's wrong?" she asked, concern written on her face and you could tell that she knew something had gone wrong.

"I'm sorry," one of the doctors said, "but your friend passed away overnight. You can still see him if you want."

She was distraught to the point that at the funeral, they had given her tranquilizers so that she could get through it. For weeks afterwards, she was constantly visiting his grave -- no one could console her, or tell her to move on. Her smile was gone, and her eyes were just filled with unimaginable sadness.

A month passed, and people realized after a few days that she stopped showing up to school (she went to a community college). There were many people questioned, and many people were worried. Soon after, there was a call from the graveyard. The caretaker had found her, leaning against the tombstone of her friend, a plushie in her lap and a smile on her face.

Later, the autopsy report said that she had died from a broken heart, and she was then buried next to her beloved.

Her tombstone read:

R.I.P. Cherish
Friend to many, Special to one.

The plushie was also buried with her, per request of her parents, who knew how attached their daughter was to it. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Dream of Haunted Adventures and Other Stuff

No spoilers. The games Black/White 2 have yet to be released in the States, and I have already reached the amount of spoilers I usually give myself. 

Alright, let's get this dream started.

It started out as a video game and eventually turned into a full length movie, and I was at the Poison type gym in Black/White 2. The gym leader was a white haired rocker, named Homika (Roxie in the American versions). And I went up against her to earn the badge (I don't know the name, so bear with me), when I realize something... odd about the gym.

This person. 
Usually the trainers fight you, right? Well, they didn't want to fight me. "Continue on, trainer." they all told me, so I reached Homika/Roxie with relative ease. I go up, ready to battle, when she says, "Wait, you're on an adventure right? You can see us?" I was slightly confused.

"Of course I can see you." I replied. She then smiled, and looked like she was ready to burst into tears.

"It's been 10 years since someone's last visited us -- we're so lonely!" she cried, reaching out to hug me... only to go right through me.

"You're a ghost?" I asked, and she nodded, "You all are?" another nod.

"And you're the only one who can help us!" she claims, "We need to get across the bridge behind this gym -- there are others like us there. We all need your help!"

... Okay...?

So I'm helping them go outside, when I realise something... odd. Homika/Roxie and all the gym trainers all turn into floating, grotesque trees!

Like this, only purple/blue with freaky arms and they floated. And smiled like Jack-O-Lanterns. It was fucked up.
So after that... interesting transformation, they followed me to the back area where the bridges are, and I step on it...

... for it to explode and Bowser to appear out of NOWHERE and I somehow ended up having an epic duel with him. After the duel (I won, surprise surprise), the gym trainers floated... as haunted looking trees... to the other side, however Homika stayed with me, saying that "You need a partner if you're gonna keep this up!"

So I gave up the dream of being a Pokemon trainer and instead became a ghost helper (?) and Homika was my partner, along with a friend that I picked up along the way; let's just name her Sierra and be done with it. We "borrowed" a semi truck and drove around, helping spirits cross over to the other world, when we got so tired of it; but this one spirit was the last. She just wanted to find her killer and get revenge, and THEN cross over.

So, then for some reason, the Vocaloid Boy Quartet popped up

These sexy beasts
only, Kiyoteru (the one with the glasses) was replaced with Akaito (an altered version of Kaito, the blue-haired) and they all spoke in song, "Where are you?" vocalized. It was quite interesting, and Akaito was framed as the killer (jealous rage, because she chose someone else over him) and we then heard a commotion. Apparently a huge corporation was after us because of what we had been doing ("borrowing" their semi, ruining their businesses) and decided to teach us a lesson. We however, escaped, but got in a car wreck.

I woke up at this point, and fell back asleep. Are you guys lost? Cos I am. XD;;

I don't remember much after that, but I do recall that Grell Sutcliff 

This guy

Was my brother, and he was a constant companion with us, and all that time we were apparently siblings, but didn't know it. WTF? XD That, and the words "Cherish" popped up a lot, but that wasn't my name or anything. I don't know why that word kept coming up in the dream... does anyone know?

And this is all I really remember. Sorry guys. ^^;

Rawr, I'mma wolfie!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eva Beatrice and the Wonderful Land of What the Hell

Eva-Beatrice from Umineko

Bulbapedia - a Wikia for Pokemon

Yeah, this time is a combination of a lot of different series, which includes a story setting of the hit video games by GameFreak, known as Pokemon.

Gotta catch 'em all!

And I was the Endless Witch, Eva-Beatrice.

Anyways, I had started out on my Pokemon journey, and everything was alright... until I started to fly, without the help of Pokemon. 

Now, normally I wouldn't be bothered by this, but for some reason the dream was really weird in the sense that the mountains were actually teddy bears, and I, as Eva-Beatrice, was supposedly the cause for all the destruction that had occurred throughout my journey as a Pokemon trainer. So I had to dodge Gym Leaders and trainers alike to get to the bottom of all this, and come to find out, the culprit was Brock! And he was holding my two dogs, Eric and Indy, along with a friend's pet (whose name was Ginger) hostage! 

Hiding behind that smirk is a cruel-hearted pervert.

So I had an epic duel with him, and as soon as I saved the pets, I couldn't fly anymore! I was stranded, and the townspeople were already gathering to "burn the witch" who was responsible for the destruction of the land! My Pokemon were powerless and were restrained as they dragged me off to tie me to the stake.

At this point of the dream, I began to fight back, and I think I exposed who had been doing it all along: a group of rouge witches who had decided to pin the blame on me since I was the only witch in the region who was officially registered (because in the Pokemon world, witches apparently have to be officially registered with any region they are in; even if they're just visiting).

However, it was too late, and I was excecuted a-la burned at the stake.

It was really a fucked up dream.

So here's a cute picture of a kitty to make you guys feel better.

Aren't I adorable? :3

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Alice of Human Sacrifice at a Prom (What is This, I Don't Even...)

So this time, instead of an anime, you get a song.

Yeah, the song is about Wonderland. Now add in MY imagination and several unseen events, and BAM! 

Instant weird dream at your service. 

So, it starts out that there's this whole Prom (even though I'm well out of high school and into college) that I'm attending, and for some reason, the third Alice (green haired girl) decided to be a bitch and make everything bedazzled. 

Including the dresses; and we had to wear masks too. 

There are vague details at this point, but it's obvious that EVERYONE loves the green haired girl to the point that they'd do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) for her. Except me, and the Fourth Alice (the twins); we hated her with a passion for some reason. So we're at the prom, and this guy walks up to me and says, "You're my date." 

Well, the thing is, I was actually the date for the boy twin (Kagamine Len), going with him as a friend, and he got a little ticked off and attacked him with a knife. The Prom suddenly enters Wonderland mode and the twins and I are stranded in the middle of a huge forest. The flowers were singing (quite literally) there was cute little Dormouse that for some reason wore glasses, the Cheshire Cat was a redhead, and the Caterpillar was... well, a Caterpillar. 

... In Prom dresses and suits.

Did I also mention that the Cheshire Cat was really creepy and reminded me of Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji by Yana Toboso (go to the blog post prior to this to get to the link of the Wiki Site) 

This Sexy Beast. 
I don't recall what happens at this point, other than the fact that Len, Rin (the girl twin) and I all decided to have a grand adventure, find this mysterious "Fifth Alice" and get back to the prom. It worked, only to find out that I couldn't leave and I was supposedly the "Fifth Alice" that everyone had been searching for, and I had to stay in Wonderland to keep the order of balance or something like that. 

Either way, I gotta run to class, so here's a Pikachu for you. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dream 1 - Black Butler in Venice (Pt. 2)

Before I start writing out the details of my (and any dream from here on out) dream, perhaps I should direct you to the wiki sites for the series that is portrayed in my dream. Also note that this dream is a continuation to a prior dream (that I vaguely remember, so I'm not going to bother writing it down), so if I make a reference and no one gets it, it's alright.

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Wiki

You're welcome to browse the site, but look at the characters, "Ciel" and "Sebastian" as they're in the dream for the entire ride.

Now, let us begin shall we?

The dream starts off in Venice, and I'm running around trying to save something. No, I don't know what I'm holding in my arms, but I know it's of extreme importance. I can't let whoever is chasing me get a hold of whatever I'm carrying. I make it to a cafe-turned-church, and I run inside -- I know the people here will help keep me hidden if I ask for it. I dodge behind the altar just as the door swings open behind me, and I hear a voice say, "I order you to find her and bring her to me." At this point, I'm terrified -- what if I die? Is it possible to "die" in a dream? I held my breath as footsteps drew closer to the altar, and I curl myself around the object -- I can't let them have it. I just can't. A soft chuckle is heard, and I freeze, squeezing my eyes shut and my blood runs cold.

"There you are, Lady Phantomhive."

I'll be making this face a lot throughout this dream... and probably the rest of them too. 

I somehow black out in the dream, and I wake up. It's daylight, and I'm still in Venice... well, technically a bed, but there was the Italian sky outside (which is weird because I've NEVER been to Venice and yet whenever I was looking at some pictures, I felt like someone shoved me in ice cold water. It was THAT detailed and realistic) and some buildings. Sebastian is standing there, rather in a creepy way, and says, "Ah, you've woken up! It's been three months, and Milord didn't want to move you in case you had broken something." I kinda give him the stare of 'what the hell is going on' and he gives me a confused look. "You don't remember? You and Milord had your wedding a few months back. You just now awoke from what was an apparent sleeping illness." he then looks confused, "Perhaps you bumped your head and lost your memories?" The butler then shakes his head. "Either way, we must get you prepared for the day. Please, ignore me." I started to move, to get up, when I noticed that I had a bandage and brace around my leg. "Ah yes, that." Sebastian said rather disdainly, "Earl Trancy shot you around the time you fell under the sleeping illness. The bullet shattered the bone."

Uh... okay. That's lovely. I think at this point I just kinda gave up and let Sebastian dress me, and Ciel was being... quite... nice to me. Like as in the way a husband would to his wife nice to me. I was thoroughly creeped out. At this point, I completely forgot the rest of the dream, due to me waking up suddenly, and finding out that my stuffed animal, Mushi, had fallen off the bed.

- Sunako

Here, have a Patamon.